Residential Retreats

Are you one of the many keen crafters out there who find it difficult to escape from the distractions of everyday life and just never seem able to spend as much time indulging your hobby as you would like? If so a Crazy Mary’s ‘Stitching Sleepover’ could be just what you’re looking for!
Stitching Sleepovers are weekend crafting retreats in a lovely hotel setting, where you can relax and completely immerse yourself in stitching without ‘real life’ getting in the way. Full tuition and some materials are provided to work on a tutor-led project, or alternatively you can bring your own work to concentrate on, knowing that expert help and guidance is on hand. Whatever your skill level, from beginners upwards, you’ll be amazed at how much you achieve taking time out in this fun supportive environment, surrounded by friendly fellow stitchers.
As part of a Stitching Sleepover weekend you can expect:
Accommodation in your own room
All meals provided
Refreshments during ‘crafting hours’
Expert tuition and guidance
Some basic materials included in the price
These weekend retreats have become very popular over the years, with many participants regularly re-booking. New friends are made, techniques and skills shared and much laughter and fun is had by all. We all need a little me-time from time to time - why not join us…?
For details of upcoming Sleepovers, venues, prices etc please visit my blog events page or contact me.

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